Grasshopper Perennials  & Native Plants

Grasshopper Perennials  & Native Plants


NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON:  Monday -Friday 12-6  Sat-Sun 12-5

Perennial plants in the greenhouse

Perennial plants in the greenhouse

Doing What We Love

We have been growing plants for over 40 years, originally getting our start in Pittsburgh, Pa.  We began operations in the beautiful Pleasant Valley area of  Maryland in 2005.

All plants are grown in our modest greenhouses and you will find over 300 varieties to choose from.

Perennials and natives are our mainstay, but we also grow some popular annuals, vegetables, herbs, and house plants as well.

Annie is our horticulturist and perennial expert, with a degree in Greenhouse Production & Growing.  She is on site to assist you with questions or your choices.

If you wish to visit the nursery outside of business hours, please make an  appointment  since this is our home as well. 

Photo by
Annie Hall